More pictures of Tokyo Trip 2006

I think blogspot has a problem with photos! The alignment of my captions beside the pictures are always wrong! Fine, I will just post pictures here...
Some of the pictures of Tokyo Trip 2006
The bus terminal outside the Arrival Halls of Narita International Airport. 8.30pm of Wednesday, 10 May 2006
Shops along one of the streets in Ueno.
A mobile van selling what else but hot beverages! It was parked at the ground level of TV Asahi.
A famous tea house selling tea, sweet sake and steamed glutinuous rice cakes in Hakone
Candy canes? No! Its a basket of unbrellas viewed from the top.
Clowns made of glass in the Venetian Glass Museum Shop,Hakone.
Tokyo Trip 2006
Am back after almost 2 months of absence. For you, the 'fans', who have been reading my blog and wondering where have I been, this is an 'official' announcement that I am back, safe and sound,=) Ain't gonna blabber in this blog entry about my everyday life during the past 7 weeks. As the subject title suggests, I went to Tokyo in mid-May to visit my friend. However,more so as a trip to rest and recover from the busyness of life at work. I was tired, not so much physically, but more so mentally. It has been a long while since I travelled,the previous one being November 2004 when I went to Seoul with a friend of mine,though on a packaged tour. For the Tokyo trip, I decided to visit her myself, without the companionship of friends. Honestly, I treated the trip as a 'recuperation' period for myself only.A personal space of my own. Even though,my friend,Phoebe was there, I did not want to have anyone going with me. Though at times, I felt lonely especially during the waiting period for my connecting flights, I was glad that I had been in my own.Anyway, to save costs, I travelled to KLIA-Kuala Lumpur International Airport to take the next connecting flight to Narita Airport,Tokyo and vice versa. In all, excluding accommodation (as I wast staying in Phoebe's house), I spent about $1800. A steal for a trip to Tokyo, one of the most expensive cosmopolitan cities in the world. Did not splurge except for food items as we were eating out daily for all meals. Spent the weekend in Hakone, one of the suburban areas in Tokyo and that in all cost me around $300++ inclusive of food,accomodation and transport (train and bus). Air tickets cost around $746. Public transport cost me around $150.Observations about the Japanese (note: the following are general statements, based on the limited time I spent in Tokyo,most of which was in Roppongi):- The trains,buses and cabs are very clean w/o the need of 'fine' signs which we have here in Singapore
- It is abnormal to find anyone (except children) NOT smoking. The Japs love to puff and cigarettes can be bought conveniently at vending machines.
- Vending machines are prevalent in Tokyo. Most of them sell beverages and cigarettes.
- In general, Japs do not give up their seats to the elderly and the pregnant women. I did not see any of those incidents.In fact, the 2 'vulnerable' groups of people are happy to stand during peak periods!So in Singapore, we are considered rather fortunate
- As it was a rainy season in May, umbrellas are a common sights in shops and malls. Some can be bought as cheap at $1.40 (those transparent plastic ones) while others are really pretty and dainty with all sorts of designs and colours
- Japs are very brand conscious even the elderly. This is common in Roppongi,perhaps so due to the urban lifestyle. The essentials: LV,Burberrys,COACH, DKNY and Ralph Lauren
- Tokyo is a shopping paradise in terms of its variety but not in its pricing.
- On average, a can of COKE will cost S$1.40. (100 yen = S$1.40)
- To have a good meal, you have to pay an average of $10 and above.
- Lots of eye candy along the streets of Tokyo.Men and women dress up nicely and ladies have manicured and pedicured nails.Apparently, noboady wear shorts and T-shirts out even to nearby convenience stores in urban Roppongi. Either you dress up or stay at home!
- Handphones are not allowed to be used in buses and trains.Should there be a need to, you have to talk quietly otherwise don't be taken aback by the stares by other commuters
- Majority of the Japs still can't speak or understand English well.
- If you think that our rail transport system is complicated, think again! Tokyo's system has more than 7 lines and are operated by different companies!
- Their international calls system is rather interesting. Hard to explaoin it here though
- Cab fare starts at S$9.10. So be grateful that ours start at S$2.40!
- It's food galore in Tokyo.Every turn you go to, there's food! Western styled cafes are a common sight,indicating that Japs are receptive to Western culture
- Service quality there is generally very good except in a few shops in Shibuya and Harajuku
- Tourists are treated the same as locals,unlike in Singapore,differential treatment can be sensed if you are a tourist.
- The sushi are very fresh! However, food there is generally slightly saltier than in Singapore's.
- If you get bumped or knocked by a Jap,don't be amazed if most of them do not apologised.It's a norm for them.
Alright..that's all for this entry. Am posting some of my favourite pics.
Listening to:'Rescue' by NewSong