Tuesday, January 18, 2005


got a basket of flowers and a teddy bear from a parent today.one of the mothers whom i interacted with last week actually sent them to my office. was really surprised when my colleague called and told me yesterday.a pleasant surprise indeed. when i saw them sitting on my desk this afternoon, i was overwhelmed coz it looked expensive. she made my Monday beautiful. a very nice mother, not because she sent me flowers (pls..i do not work for the sake of these gifts....),but because i felt a sense of satisfaction that she appreciated what we do. hee...i mean we try to assist parents to the best of our abilities..but sometimes...circumstances do not allow us to do so.this is when some parents will start to turn annoyed..well, some can turn..hmm..i termed 'monsters'.haha. the best thing is,she got me lillies! and boy! do i love lillies!!hehe. i am not a 'rose-kind' of person..definitely not..why? simply coz they have thorns!!i absolutely fall in love with lillies (certain ones) and tulips.hee.

anyway, you know what, this is the 3rd time i receive flowers in my entire life thus far..hehe..first time was from the guys of Geog Soc during V.Day when they gave all the girls a stalk of rose..sweet ya. 2nd time was when ricia and xinyi gave me lillies during my graduation ceremony.when will i receive flowers from that special someone??? *a pondering look*

*listening to: 'Only Time' by Enya


At 3:06 PM , Blogger prettymask said...

woahhhh so nice i also want. which parent give you hee heee heee. anyway doesn't it feel good to be appreciated.

At 10:31 PM , Blogger Jiatine said...

wah..cannot reveal the name here!! hee. yup,it does feel good to be appreciated!! not only from the parents,but it feels good when friends/family members or even strangers show their appreciation in different ays.


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