Saturday, December 25, 2004

christmas 2004

this year's christmas eve was well spent, different from the past. usually, christmas eve will be spent either with a close girlfriend or at home. during these recent years, it had been the latter. sometimes, i just wanna stay home in solitude,away from the crowds.other times, well...other friends have their own appts with yah.

went to danny's house for a gathering. brought a friend along coz both of us supposed to have our christmas dinner at suntec. danny messaged me last minute for the gathering. without thinking further, i agreed immediately! haha..that is very unlike of me. anyway, had steamboat at his place. he asked his other friends along as well. the company was good, has an enjoyable time laughing away. most of the time, i was like squabbling with him in front of everyone, like providing a 'entertainment' or 'a show'.haha. both of us always like that..haha. was really happy to see cheryl,janette and fiona. before the gathering, i dreaded christmas to come. really. it is just so 'un-celebratory'. though the gathering was simple, it's the company that i enjoyed the most. Danny's good friend, Jim had a very good sense of humour. he's the party of the party! haha

one of my greatest wish is to celebrate New Year's eve at New York's Time Square. every year, when i watch the countdown from CNN, i just wish i am there. the vibrant environment, the cheers, the lights etc etc. perhaps next year. i will go there myself! 2005 is 7 days away.time passes really fast. i am turning 23 soon. praise God that He renews my youth everyday!

*listening to: 'Leave' by Jojo


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