Monday, November 08, 2004


many people have this misconception that meterosexuals=gays or gays=meterosexuals..hmm..i disagree to a certain extent. well, perhaps because we are not used to men dressing up in psychedelic colours or going for facials or spas. i mean our social construction of identities of men are that they have to be 'macho,dress like 'men', cannot be dressy' etc etc. the presence of meterosexuals challanges our conventional thoughts and somehow destablise our notions abt gender. take for example the onscreen character of 'xie shaoguang' in the mega drama serial 'Holland Village'.He is somehow a meterosexual but he is not a gay!! (he pursued his onscreen love interest like crazy).But majority of us cannot accept his hand gestures,the way he talks,the way he behaves etc etc. weird..but well, for me, i still,to a certain extent,unable to accept such 'womanly' actions from a man.BUT i am totally fine with a guy dressing up,going for facials, trimming eyebrows etc but of coz not to the pt whereby it becomes an obsession!!

I think a guy needs to dress up sometimes, more than 'T-shirts and berms or T-shirts and jeans'.there is nothing wrong with that,but exploring a wild taste for clothes can be really adventurous and gratifying too!! hehe. i think Zara provides really cool and gorgeous clothes for men..a good mix of corporate,smart casual and sporty wear. another one wld be Topshop. this somehow reveals my taste of men yah..haha. i mean the visible appearances of a person isn't everything,of course. but let's admit it...true as it sounds a cliche...the phrase 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' is valid!

alright,back to meterosexuals.recently,this has been a buzz word in the lifestyle and fashion word..seems like there is a sudden wave of meterosexuals.Personally,i think that this grp of people have already existed long time ago (think abt the 1960s).just that the media zoomed in recently to focus on this 'special' rp of people. a 'men revolution' perhaps? look at local celebs such as Tay Ping Hui and Adrian Pang endorsing Expressions and FIL Skin and Body Care respectively. or perhaps overseas celebs such as David Beckham,Brad Pitt,Heath Ledger etc who are gracing the big time fashion houses and men fashion mags in recent years...celebrating the arrival of 'new men' aka men who dresses,go for skincare treatment,having diamonds as best friends etc etc...interesting huh?

some of my friends say that i have very high expectations of men..haha..depends...i mean attraction comes in a mix of visible and invisible qualities yah.hehe

000..btw i think the brand,RAOUL, has fabulous,clean-cut clothes for men corporate wear...hehe

*listening to: 'Love at First Sight' by Kylie Minogue


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