Sunday, October 03, 2004

pre-marital sex

something that we see ever so often portrayed and celebrated by the mass media even though it is morally wrong. a 'trend' that is so common nowadays that even kids as young as 12 years old are doing it. we are shocked when we read reports of teens having pre-marital sex and then (most of the time) the female partner has to bear the consequences. there are people who feel and think that it is ok because 'everyone is doing it' (hello!! do we know 'everyone'????). there are those who do it because they believe in '100% protection'. there are those who do it just simply for 'the fun of it' or rather to say it crudely 'to feel the orgasms and adrenaline of making love'.

sometimes i really wonder why has making love, sth that is so sacred, sth that is created by God (oh yes, He is the Creator of sex..if not where do you think the descendents of Adam and Eve come from???), is perverted by the devil. for me, i am a strong believer in losing your virginity only when you get married. call me 'traditional', 'conservative' etc etc. i mean i am not against people who have pre-marital sex. if they are my friends, i will still love them and care for them. it's like in this dominantly heterogeneous world, i am not against the homosexuals and bisexuals, but i am not agreeable not homosexuality and bisexuality.

think i have pricked some people who are reading my blog..well..this is what i stand by. Once I asked a friend what is the one thing he is anticipating when he gets married. He replied, 'making love to my wife on the wedding night.' a very frank but sweet answer. Better than, 'oh, calculating how much money i get from angbaos!'. agreeable??

*listening to: 'See The Glory' by Steven Curtis Chapman


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