Sunday, September 26, 2004

last day

for fiona, one of my closest colleague cum friend in my company. the reality that she has left us still hasn't sunk into me yet. when she informed me, i was like 'huh?! are you sure????' i was stunned, totally. i mean, there were no hints whatsoever that she is leaving. it was such a hush hush affair.we clicked immediately when she introduced herself to me during the first 2 weeks since i started my job. i mean both of us can laugh so much together and tell crappy stuff..hee..she was my 'novena square' lunch partner and she taught me many things..really..i am missing her. as both of our schedules are quite similar, we see each other frequently. went to shop together and realised that we have similarities! for example: TopShop, Dorothy Perkins ( i thought i can NEVER find someone who likes DP), Warehouse etc ...and our latest brand is COACH!! hahahaa..(yah i simply love their bags...hee)

Moreover, she influenced me in healthy eating habits...really...i am really inspired by her eating healthy! so good..hee..i am missing her liao....monday mornings will never be the same again.

Well, i do know that in a company, people come and go for a reason. but it is not easy to find a really chummy colleague.

*listening to: 'Play' by Jennifer Lopez


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