Wednesday, September 22, 2004

the tap ran today

my tap ran today before i started work! was feeling abit gorgy this morning when i woke up. thought that i will be ok after getting into the sun..but NO!! sneezed here and there. told myself that ''s only a while'. by the time i reached office, 'tap' just ran. i tell myself not to get an MC unless really necessary coz my department in quite understaffed and my supervisor is like overworked. one of my close colleagues cum 'sister-in-christ' had flu too...was on MC for 1.5 days. (if you are reading this, just wanna say: I MISS YOU!! esp our hugs...teeheehee. get well soon ok!! The Lord is our Healer!) anyway, felt that i should took an MC coz i was sneezing away at the Reception and it's like kinda not really hygenic..i mean if parents see my sneezing away and talking to them...unprofessional yah..moreover they are sending their precious kids to our school and i am in the frontline!! what if they child gets sick?! so yah, better take an MC and lock myself away from 'potentially' spreading the bug to them...must learn from the SARS incident.

slept alot 4 hrs of nap! felt now i am like waiting to sleep again. still feeling awake..listening to those soothing music..supposed to join Hueyling at 'China Bar' (i do not know where it is!) tonight for clubbing. but looking at the present state, better case my cold is more important in this case. hmm..hopefully i can go dbl o next week with my fellow colleagues. heard alot abt that place, some say 'ew' others yah wld like to see and feel it for myself before i say anything abt it.

payday is coming!! hee..need to change or rather buy a new pair of specs (to join my RAs who have funky and retro plastic specs!), a COACH wristlet (loved it immediately when i saw it..hee..), and a new wooden cd rack. the second item is optional lah...that is a want, not a need.teeheehee.but the rest are needs!!

*listening to: 'Can You Celebrate' (instrumental) by Namie Amuro


At 12:52 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Hey... Just wanna say Get Well Soon!


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