Wednesday, December 08, 2004

a tooth of wisdom gone today

oh yes, i had my wisdom tooth plucked out today...the 2nd time in 4 years. it was a painless experience. what i am more concerned with is the aftermath of the op. the torture of keeping quiet over the next few days (oh yes, i am not the quiet kind of person....hehe), dependent on a liquid and semi-solid diet (though i think it is a good time to lose weight..haha) and taking cautious steps to ensure that the wound will not be aggravated. now it still bleeds a little as i typed, but it's manageable. Looks like my ways of communcation are limited to MSN,smses and i making it sound like i am stranded on an island?? haha (i am on an island anyway,hehe) okok, enough of my nonsense.

As i lie down on the 'dentist's reclining chair' ( i do not know the exact name of that thing) while she was operating, i pondered on the words 'wisdom tooth'. Where was the origins of this term?? why is it called 'wisdom tooth'? it seems to have postive connotations (since wisdom is something that is desired) but why does it have to be taken out?? hmm....but after awhile, i gave up coz it seems that i will get nothing out of my head..hahah

a number of my friends are terrified of visiting the dentist,it's like the dentist is synoynomous with 'fear and pain'. Perhaps due to childhood experiences or stories heard from surrounding family members and friends? As for me, my past experiences had been good. My take is that dnetal checkups are of utmost importance. Every 6 mths I will visit the dentist,even though the consultation fees are quite steep. Coz the first entry of survival is the mouth (which has your teeth needed for chewing food...hehe) and if that is not well taken care of...trouble brews. Many dental problems arise due to sporadic dental checkups. most of us go to the dentist only when the excruciating pain overwhelms us. hmm..i wonder what is the term for phobia of dentists..'denphobia'???

Listening to: silence


At 12:04 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Fear of dentist = Dentophobia :)


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