Tuesday, December 14, 2004

christmas is here...again

cannot sleep.was tossing in bed for 1.5 hrs after talking to him. was discussing abt spirituality and work. this is the first time i was unable to fall into deep sleep after returning from Seoul. frankly,i had a good break. got enough sleep daily since I went to Seoul and my dark eye circles have slowly diminished (though there are still slight traces to it). after the conversation, i just sat by the window with a pillow in my hand and looked at the surroundings. such tranquility.strange though coz the more i looked around, the more tired i was. naturally, the first instinct will be 'it's bedtime'. as i lied on my bed, numerous thoughts just went through my mind. i began a chronological journey abt the things that happened this year in my head. school,exams,death,friendship,graduation,job,relationships,work,trip etc etc...

as i tossed in bed, i just ponder on how will be my christmas this year. frankly speaking, i do not really fancy christmas day . a surprise to some, but yah....nothing much to do (of course,this day is to celebrate christ's birth).majority of shops are closed,no work,TV programmes are not that fascinating (hopefully it is not Home Alone again...*dreaded look*). it's not a big event at home coz my parents do not celebrate it and we are not much connected to relatives. Peers wise, besides going out,watching movies and doing those usual stuff,there's not much to do.every year, i do hope that christmas will be special. as in maybe overseas? try sth different?or share it with a special someone? doing community work in other countries? but somehow or rather, it will be another 'stay home' day or 'let's go shopping'. tired of seeing those same shops again and again. guess i am in my not-so-cheery mood now...

one thing i look forward to christmas is the searching and buying of gifts for people i appreciate.some people might find it a pain or even a headache to search for gifts for christmas,but i love it! it's so fun! i understand the agony of like 'forever searching' for that 'perfect gift'.but the satisfaction comes when you find it and imagine the smile and/or 'what is this?' look that appears on the receipient's face! did my christmas shopping last tues (before i go for the wisdom tooth op) and i spent like the entire afternoon and evening buying and choosing gifts and cards (of course queuing up for payments,ladies,gift wrapping,transport). spent quite a lot but it's worth it. give out of a merry heart,not because you have to,but because you want to bless others.

thank God i am serving on 26th dec for church..sth to look forward to.=)

*listening to: 'Little Drummer Boy'


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