Monday, December 20, 2004

breaking news

they broke up. he told me today when we were in church. i was surprised,really. i thought everything was going well for both of them. when he broke the news to me, i was not exhilarated. no way. i did not even thought of is there a possibility between us? the first thought i had was , 'is it because of me?'. when i questioned him for the reason, he just mumbled,'because of her past experiences'. simply that. i did not question more because it is none of my business.

now, i can safely say that i just treat him as a friend. we still chat sometimes and do those little silly things we used to do in the past, my feelings towards him are strictly within friendship. when i told one of my friends, her first reaction was , 'so, do you see yourself and him together?'. i said 'no'. which is true! seriously, our lifestyles will clash BIG TIME. i do very much hope for a special someone to come into my life and just love me dearly. i trust God that He plans things at the right place and right time. Nothing supersedes His plan,amen! =)

*listening to: 'Lose My Breath' by Destiny's Child


At 10:26 PM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

sometimes when He plans... You gotta recognise it... =)

Though it might take some time for you to see it... But at least its good that u're taking time to be in pace with your feelings... =)

At 12:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dare u, in the name of GOD, honestly can say deep down u don;t feel a twinge of secret joy....? How could they not break up...when he has such a so-called close 'platonic' gal fren like u....Put yourself in her shoes and imagine your own bf having a very close gal-friend. Can you honestly accept it? God asks us to be true to ourselves. He would very much to have you sinned n confess rather than hide behind a false facade....Search your heart, be true to yourself, n to GOD.

At 12:22 PM , Blogger Syl - Breseis said...

okie, jus to clear the air...tat comment above was definitely not by me... althought its a point to ponder abt...

At 12:10 AM , Blogger Jiatine said...

well, to whoever wrote that comment and dared me...i do not feel a tinge of joy. coz i know it is impossible between us.believe it or not. i am the righteousness of God in Christ,amen.

At 9:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well obviously you wouldn't wan him anymore, since he's proven himself to be a traitor in love. But that's the whole point. If you hadn't sub-consciously 'plotted' the demise of their love.....if you had kept to your earlier promise to GOD that you would stay away from him.... if you hadn't tried to maintain d so-called close platonic 'friendship' with him, well...what do you think? Anyhow, gals like you are most pathetic.....clinging on to be the 'close' gal friends of guys with gf. Guess what, pretty soon he's gonna to be the one to ask or hint a start with you, and then you can derive the satisfaction of 'rejecting' him.....saying those 'oh i think it's better for us to be friends etc etc' blah blah blah. Well, pray that GOD would enlighten you...

At 2:11 PM , Blogger Jiatine said...

hi there! thanks for your precious time in commenting on my blog entry. really appreaciated your time and effort in thinking of what to write. well, firstly,i am not that pathetic as what u said. sounds as if you have known me for years. perhaps, one shd not be judgemental abt others by just reading their blog entries. seems like you have a liking of the words 'if' too. hmm. as a matter of fact, i do not cling to him anymore. frankly, i was laughing when i read ur comments. got me thinking real hard. forgive me for saying this, but i feel you have quite a myopic perspective of what is happening. obeserve the context of my blog entries ok. by the way, a christmas present for you: 'the power of life and death is in the tongue'.meditate on it yah. oo..wishing you a blessed 2005!


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