Wednesday, December 29, 2004

the dead and living (Asia struck by earthquake and tsunamis)

9.0 on Richter scale,
missing people,
many are displaced and thousands are dead.
a loud rumble,
huge tidal waves.
what's left are the dead lying around,
collapsed buildings,
villages swept away,
sights and sounds of deep mourning.

no one expected it,
no warnings.
husbands lost their wives,
wives became widows,
babes 'stolen' from parents,
children are orphaned within seconds.
a king lost his grandson.
when nature strikes, it's no respecter of social entities

who is to blame?
the people?
the government?
or just mother nature?
let's stop pointing the fingers.

death toll increases and still counting
hotels became refugee camps overnight
nations sending aid in cash and in kind
tourists just wanna go home,
out and away from the devastated areas


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