Monday, December 27, 2004

love from Him

sometimes when i say stupid things,
i wish time will freeze
and i take back everything i say.
sometimes i wish i can speak my mind
without having to feel excluded.
sometimes when the world seems so cold,
i feel like crying and dying,
that's when I remembered You.

Your Word is true,
that You are always there,
always extending your loving arms,
with a smile that says, "come my child,come into Daddy's arms."

it's amazing how we forget Your blessings,
forget Your grace and mercies,
most of all,Your presence.
when the highs becomes lows,
when we are faced with the harshness of the world,
when we feel like a million pieces
or like a rose trampled upon.
Your presence is like living waters to our thirsty souls

at times, we wonder why life is unfair,
why we are slammed left,right,centre,front and back,
why people just squeeze the life out of us.
But no matter what we experience,
is not comparable to the sufferings that Your son gone thru on the cross.

that cross is not just a cross,
it is a reflection and symbol of Your great love for us.
At that moment of 'It is finished!',
it became one of the greatest moments of history.

listening to: "breakaway' by Kelly Clarkson


At 6:39 PM , Blogger prettymask said...

helo did you write this yourself ?


At 12:08 AM , Blogger Jiatine said...

yah, i wrote this myself. was feeling quite s*****, so yah..decided to blog it.


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