Wednesday, January 05, 2005

first full day

today marked the first day at my new department. was nervous when i entered the office today.perhaps it's because i felt displaced? even though i know majority of the people at the new dept, somehow or rather, i felt out of place. started to miss my former 'new job' had more responsibilities, some people say 'more power' it, bottom line is = more challenges. the good thing is that i do not have to stand whole day, most of my time will be spent sitting down and launching calls to parents. but this also meant that my tummy will be bigger! (as if it is not big enough loh....) damn! now every meal, i must pray that the extra calories and fats will be eliminated before they enter my body,haha.

currently, i do not have a place to call 'home' yet aka no seat. should be like a wandering soul these few days before they allocate a place for me. but well, at my current company, we use anyone's workstation (provided it is available lah). I still have many things to learn though. it's a new playground now,that means a whole new environment. looking forward to learn from mistakes (hey! there's no perfection yah). hopefully I will be able to stay in this job for some time..hehe.

oooo! the 5 day work week will commence next week!! yuppie! even though i will work longer hours on weekdays, it's worth it! i have a full off day on wednesday!makes more sense lah..dun have to wear office wear for a few hrs (like what i am doing now when my half day is on a weekday) it's a good time to swim and take exercise classes! our pantry is so good that i put on weight.damn it!

one of my goals this year is to lose weight before phoebe's wedding coz i am one of her jie meis!! hehe..must wear nice nice yah. hopefully can lose weight in 2 mths time...10 kgs joke..need alot of self-discipline and prayers..

*listening to: "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera


At 1:20 PM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Eh, so u going to gym? Let's go together? I'm gonna be wearing a gown soon this year.... =)
(need to tone up man~!)

At 10:34 PM , Blogger Syl - Breseis said...

Hey Jia, all the best in your new dept man!
P.S: Erm...hueyling, u go gym??? Hmmm.... joke of the day! Maahahahaha!


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