Saturday, January 01, 2005

2004-a year in review

it's the beginning of 2005. A new year with blessings. time really flies. 2004 had been an eventful year for me. i started blogging in July 2004 and i have to say that it's wonderful to have a blog. though there have been misinterpretations arising out of my blog entries, i will not stop blogging..

as i reflected the year of 2004, i realised that i have changed a little (to some might be alot!) perhaps moulded by the 'events' that have happened last year. i am starting to appreciate solitude more, but sometimes i wish i am not alone and lonely. going down memory lane, this was my 2004:

The beginning of my last semester in NUS. 3rd year as a geography major student. Sometimes I still wonder why I chose Geog as my major.Syl,hl and I had our 'firsts' in setting up a stall selling 2nd-hand clothes at Clarke Quay. Was a really interesting experience even though we made a loss of $12,haha. For me, it's the process of 'setting up the business' that I enjoyed the most. I did not really care abt the end result.

Busy preparing GeoTrail for the SPH GC 2004. Juggling the responsibilites of being involved in the event,at the same time doing my readings, constantly hoping that my CAP will not fall. Got news that I am moving house in June! New home just across a few streets..hehe.

mine and hl's 22nd birthday at Nooch. Celebrated really late due to GC and clash of schedules among the gals. GT this year was well received by the sponsors, really take my hat of SG,who's the head of the GC com. March is also the traditional 'projects and term papers' mth in NUS,before exams in April. Did a massive 10000 word grp project on China's Red Army. Nearly went bonkers due to the nature of the module! I would say that that's one of the most challenging term papers i ever did in NUS

Exams time. But sth else affected me more than ever. One of my girlfriend's dad passed away due to cancer. Was really devastated. Happened during my prep for the Chinese History module (have to finish the b***** thick TB and readings!). But i couldn't care abt prep for exam,she was more impt to me. Really thank God that He brought all of us through that difficult period. I was touched by someone's care and concern.

We grew much closer,spent more time but only as close friends. Looked for jobs and went to many interviews.Found a temp job.

Moved house! it;s the 7th or 8th time i have moved house! *expert look* hahha. got a perm. job at my current company. Near house, reasonable pay, most of all, great colleagues (2 of whom are my closest friends now). Learning to adapt as a working adult.Festival of Praise (Hillsongs as the main performers!) at Indoor Stadium

He got to know her. Confided in me. I encouraged him even though I was disintegrating inside. Graduation ceremony! Ricia and xinyi bought me lillies!! syl and hl attended. Got a graduation bear (which i hinted loudly..haha) the final pt that marked the end of life as an undergraduate. Got my first pay! woohoo! but alas! it was spent too fast....started blogging.

Yl's aka Oink Oink's 22nd birthday. Got her a pink (really shocking pink) hp case from Mango and sth else (which i really cannot remember).Hl and I walked to every Mango store in Orchard to search for it! Started clubbing with colleagues. Became a frequent affair with friends. Some told me I have changed and got concerned. It's time for a change i guess. 'Deprived' of it while I was in NUS? haha. Took swimming classes.

3rd year anniversary of September 11th. US occupation in Iraq grew to a worse stage. End of probation at my company. Got into the height of my depression. Nights spent crying alone in my room.

Booked tickets to Seoul for my first holiday (without parents!). Syl's 22nd birthday at East Coast Park. As usual, a dinner. Work became more and busier.They got together. I slipped into depression again. Drinks and late nights.a colleague left.

So busy at work, doing OT almost daily. Preparing for the trip, bought this and that and burnt a big hole in my pocket! Swimming lessons ended and I can swim! haha. 1st anniversary serving in church. learnt alot out of serving. thanks to friends and Him, got out of depression. Prayer works! Went to Seoul with an usher-mate in end of Nov!

Came back from Seoul.Had a wisdom tooth operation! they broke up,i felt nothing. A good sign that I am over about him!I have moved on by the grace of God. Work was ok. my closest colleague cum sis-in-Christ left.She's getting married in March 2005!!*beams* hugged and cried on her last day. had the annual Christmas dinner at Suntec. First ever 'after Christmas' gathering. Church brought Christmas into Orchard! The concert was fabulous! Good news regarding my transfer to another department!

Looking forward to 2005!!

*listening to: 'True To yourself' by Vanessa Amorosi


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