Saturday, October 08, 2005

First draft of wishlist for this Christmas

This is my first draft of wishlist for this year's Christmas, more items will be added soon! Haha.(Ranked not in order of priority)
  1. A well-paid challenging job related to projects/events mgt or in customer service (my current job will end in mid-Dec!! *sad* )
  2. iPod nano!!
  3. A new smart handphone with MP3,radio,mega-pixel camera and Bluetooth capabilities(the current one seems to be on the verge of death)
  4. A digital camera
  5. A Coach wallet
  6. Another pair of spectacles
  7. A top from Paul and Joe (I am so in love with their stuff, but so expensive!)
  8. Swatch watch
  9. Friends who acknowledge my existence...
  10. A clean bill of health

Some of the items will make people go, "Wow! All branded stuff etc etc" Yak and yak.Others will go,"How abt world peace?" Oh pls..dun give me the 'Miss Congeniality' line. There can never be world peace because of the existence of power struggles. Poverty cannot be eliminated and be made history, it can only be minimised.So, I am really skeptical about those campaigns by celebs and NGOs.Elimination of poverty is only an utopian view.

listening to: '成全' by Liu Ruo Ying


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