Thursday, September 22, 2005

greatly blessed with free invites and tickets

Within these 2 weeks, I am blessed with 2 sets of invites and a pair of tickets. Since young, I love to enter contests. My point is that there is no losing end for me,so why not just try? hehe.Some may call it 'cheapo'.For me, this is just being 'practical'.

The first pair of invites came by me calling into WKRZ91.3 FM on Monday for a contest. I was listening to the radio on the train when I heard the DJs asking for the name of a particular artiste. They gave many clues but not one of the callers got it right. By the 4th clue, I knew the answer was 'Jamie Cullum'.Using my nimble fingers, I called many times but can't get thru *exasperated*. Then, I FINALLY called thru and gave my answer. When the radi DJ's shouted, 'Yeah! You are right!!!' My line got cut off......*rolls eyes* What a 'good timing' yah. I did not even press any buttons nor was I in a tunnel! So I called back and fortunately the DJ could recognise my voice. My number will not be reflected in their caller ID. So this is how I got my first pair of invites....the joke of the day is that I do not even know what's the prize that I won because I simply called in to answer their qn.The prize is a pair of invites to...a...(shall not reveal the event) keke

The 2nd pair of invites was sent to me today viz mail from Paragon.It's for their autumn 2005 fashion show for a few brands of clothing. Inclusive of discounts of my fav brands.So cool yah..hehe.I have asked a close girl pal to go.She was like ,"Jia, you are very lucky hor!'=P

The free movie tix is for the annual Nokia Starlight Cinema.It's an outdoor event at the Padang whereby viewers get to watch a schedule of shows at night.Viewers will sit on the grass,watch show and eat!! So cool...I have not tried it before.Definitely looking forward to it! So blessed to have my ex-colleague to join me!hehe..btw, the tickets are sponsored by TANGS.Thanks!!!

I would like to express my thanks to TANGS,WKRZ 91.3FM and Paragon for the invites and tickets. You have definitely made me a happier person for these 2 weeks! (A psuedo-Oscar/Emmy thank you speech. No worries, I will not pepper it with %&%&$*^!@ or any remarks abt Bush administration's handling of Hurricane Katrina.For those who watched the annual Emmy Awards on Monday, 19/9, you will know what I mean....=P )

listening to: "Psalms 91" by Adeline Gan from 'You Gave' by NCC


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