Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Getting into the momentum

Studying for my advanced theory test. It has been more than 1 year when I seriously study after graduation. Feels weird, my attention span is not as good as before. Damn. How I missed school!

I really wonder if I can be a good driver. Kind of belong to the 'kan chiong spider' sort,=S.

5 more days to my driving test. Failed once 3 years back. Better pass it this time *praying*

Me and him officially over, over and OVER. Not compatible. No tears, no worries.

It's London 2012! My preferred choice was Paris, but well, London ain't that bad.

Saving up for Beijing 2008! Going there to watch the Olympics! Glory for the Chinese!

*listening to: 'Satisfied' by Jeffrey Tan


At 1:06 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Don't worry lah... Can pass wan... Not so tough... If u kenna the rite booklet lah... But then again... Sometimes, depends on luck... *Hint: Can try to read the Chinese questions if don't understand the English ones... Hehe... Much clearer sometimes!

At 10:18 PM , Blogger Jiatine said...

Hmm..I will be taking the electronic version of the test. Let's see how it goes!

At 9:58 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Oh issit? Oh yah... Now all electronic... Results on instant spot... 'Add oil' yah!!! (not the cooking oil lah) Ehehehe...

At 10:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

serious!? nw bcum electronic already? same e same price? haha i bcuming auntie - xy

At 12:56 AM , Blogger Jiatine said...

yup, the theory tests have gone electronic. Saves time and efficiency and save the environment! 15.5 more hrs to my test..better pass this time *silent prayer*


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