Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Cried in office today

well,almost. I cried in the ladies today. Tears of anger and disappointment just flowed uncontrollably. Prior to that, I was 'gently told off' by my sup that I had 'been reactive AGAIN'. Note: 'Again' was emphasised. Why did he say that? Simply because of the way I reacted during the weekly huddle today. Perhaps he wasn't happy with the way I reacted to my colleague. But, come one, both of us know that it's a joke..just to add some entertainment during the huddle. Perhaps, he did not get it...because he's dense? God knows?! Anyway, I tried to fight back the tears by staring hard at the computer screen and reading the emails.....Minutes later, I stumbled emotionally and found myself tearing. I rushed to the ladies quickly and started sobbing.

I wasn't feeling sorry for myself or what. It's just that I am disappointed by my sup. I know that I am a reactive person. But hello! Give me time to change gradually ok...I am a human being..not some kind of robot that you can manipulate or change the codes! Seriously, I have been contemplating about looking for a new job. It's going to be a year since I joined my present company. Perhaps it's time to look around and find something that I have passion for.
Was reading this mth's issue of O magazine (for those clueless ones out there, O magazine=the Oprah magazine..if you are still clueless..WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!) when I came across Dr Phil's mthly column. This mth, a reader asked about leaving a dead-end job and job searching. I absolutely agree with these words, "You need to discover what kind of job will have you charging out of the gates each morning." Apparently, my current job doesn't give me the feeling of 'charging out of the gates'. Perhaps,it's a sign that I have to move on...soon...

listening to: "Through It All" by Hillsongs


At 2:23 AM , Blogger Sylvia said...

*blinks* Hey girl... I didn't know of this shit u went through.. Sorry, haven't been too observant (then again, I'm usually quite dense and myopic, can't see anything till it's damn blatant).

Hope things have been turning for the better. Hmm, thing is, you can't please everyone. As long as u take constructive comments in your stride, I think it's a great job done :)

It's been shit for me too, and I guess I can understand where you're coming from. But, at the end of the day, work will be work. Don't get too worked up by it, bad for health and brain ;)

*Hugs* Hope u feel better soon, kies. Cheer up. You're not alone feeling like shit. But it's just work. So, f**k it! =)

At 10:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yez I absolutely agree with you - u should branch out....look for another job. Coz you are young, and should try for varied job experiences. Moreover....the company you are working for seems kinda weird....Go gal, go try other jobs and gain new insights. The world is darn big!

At 10:47 PM , Blogger Cylee said...

hey Christine, cheer up! some pple r juz totally dulled by work n lost all their fun n sensitivity. dun let them ruin all ur beautiful days.

if ur job/workplace sucks, change. u'r stil young. go explore work u'r interested in! so start looking...NOW! ;)

At 6:14 PM , Blogger Syl - Breseis said...

Yep i know Yiling has gotten a job. =D


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