Sunday, March 13, 2005

i have returned!

The 'blogging symptoms' of mine kept on recurring during the past few weeks and I have gave in! yup, I am back...unsure if it's for good..but be assured that it's for a long time. So many things have happened since I wrote the last blog. Ups and downs in different areas of my life.

3 more days to go and it is my birthday! this year, it is going to be really different. Firstly, the usual bunch of chums will be reduced. Secondly, it's the first time more people remembered my birthday! very happy by the latter. at least, they remember me....

yeasterday, my supervisor made a comment. he said,"christine, it's time that you get a boyfriend ............maybe can ask jo**** to introduce to you like what he did to ph**** and da***." (cannot reveal full names lah..what if they chanced upon this site?!) though he said in a so-called jokingly manner..i was quite affected by it. he made the comment out of the blue and to be honest, i was embarrassed. i dun like people to make such comments, esp if it is out of the blue. he better do not repeat again, otherwise i am going to tell him off in front of everyone, nicely of course..perhaps with a drip of sarcasm.

I know that now is the time to get attached etc etc....majority of my friends are. however, i cannot just pick any tom,dick,harry yah. in the first place, does anyone want me?! *pondering* generally, i am fine being single. can do my own things w/o being answerable to anyone. if i wanna club or drink, i just do it..dun have to ask for permission from anyone. well, the other side of the coin wld be at times, I do wish that I have a boyfriend. you know, someone to cuddle to and whisper little things. someone to share your troubles and to share his too. when you are down, he will be there (most of the time) etc. those of you who are (happily) attached will understand what i mean yah.

Alright..time to sleep otherwise I will be really tired at work tomorrow.

listening to: 'In Demand" by Texas


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