Sunday, March 20, 2005

phoebe's wedding

19th March 2005, Saturday-Phoebe's wedding day. She got married to David, one of the God-liest man I ever know. I can still remember that Sunday night when Phoebe called from Bali (or is it Bintan??) to inform me that David proposed to her! She was so excited and I could sense the happiness in her voice. At the same time, I felt peace too. The indescribable peace. When I saw her tonight, in her gorgeous gown, she looked really happy and contented. I believe that this is a God-centred marriage and both of them will be greatly blessed in this union.

Though I know Phoebe only since last June, I feel as if we have been friends for so long. She's like a 'jie jie' to me and her nightly smses (in the form of Bible verses) is something that I anticipate. To be honest, her presence kept me strong when I was going through tough times last year. I am so blessed to know a sister-in-Christ like her. Her life story is really amazing and she's a walking testimony on how God's love can transform a sin-stained soul into a masterpiece of grace=)

Will miss her badly when she leaves for Japan with David this May. They will be there for about 3 years due to David's job. Well, thank God there are things such as 'emails and webcams'!

To Phoebe (if you are reading this): It's by God's appointment that you and David are in this blessed union. I feel so happy and am proud of you! You are an inspiration to me and I am thankful that in this life, God gave me a precious sister like you!

To David (if you are reading this): Do treasure Phoebe with all your heart and soul yah. She's a gem and a masterpiece of His grace. I am sure that our Lord Jesus is the foundation in this marriage. I feel safe that Phoebe is in your care,=)

To both of you: Have a greatly blessed marriage! Our Lord will never short-change us. Trust in His goodness!

*listening to: 'Keep falling in love' by Hillsongs


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