Wednesday, March 16, 2005

i am 23!

yup, i have turned 23 years old officially. It ain't that bad, I am still young! To me, age is not a problem. There are may people who have the fear of growing old, as every birthday comes, they will get 'kan chiong' and think of the classic phrase," I am so old!!". Come on, there is always someone older than you. For me, I take age in my stride. It's just a different phase of life as we age chronologically. For some of us, we have not even aged emotionally or psychologically! If you know what I mean.

Today happens to be my off day, what a coincidence! That is something I am so thankful about. Well, I am kind of down with a slight cold and dry throat, so that somehow affected my mood today. Met up with a university pal for a quick lunch at suntec today. She had to rush back to NUS for a lecture, so lunch was a quick one. However, the time we spent seems as if it's a long long time! Was really happy to see her again,=) Later, went to bugis to shop alone to kill time. Bought some stuff but on a tight budget. This mth, I am spending more than usual, =(

Met up with elena for a dinner at Esplanade today! She has such a gorgeous straw handbag that I just drooled!! hahah..anyway, dinner was ok just that I felt cheated. Wasn't really that fulfilling, but well, since I am on medication, I just let it be. Elena introduced me to an outdoor performance at the Esplanade's outdoor theatre! It's part of the Mosaic festival, a music fest featuring more than 200 performances from 10 countries. I really enjoyed the performance as it showcased local talents. Asha can sing very well!! Someone should sign her up!! Fuse was good, really good.=)

However, deep inside me, I do not really look forward to this year's birthday. Alot of memories came into my mind when I woke up this morning. Was expecting an sms from her..but well..The 'best' part was my mum asked, " So, you going out with s***** today?" I just said bye and closed the door behind me as i left the house with tears in my eyes.

*listening to: ' Hide my soul' by Avalon


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