Friday, September 16, 2005

hit by the cold bug..again

Oh yes,I am sick AGAIN. *Sigh* This time round, the equation will be daily Milo+heaty food+stress+sleeping with wet hair=cold. A classic receipe for a cold.

Haven't been updating this blog for a long long time.Been really busy last week with no time to spare even for checking mails.Other times, just plain lazy to blog.Guess I am still a 'verbal person',prefer to talk rather than write/type.

Feel really weak. Finished one whole box of facial tissues. 'Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer' again. I have been eating and sleeping whole day,damn. No energy to do things after eating (non-drowsy) medicine.Man, I wonder what 'drowsy' medicine can do to me...definitely knock me out in no time.

Alright, this is all I can type.Feeling sleepy....

*listening to: my deep breathing


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