Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the letter

I handed in my resignation letter today and had a 20minutes conversation with my supervisor. It was a 'thought provoking' one. He asked me many many questions,which were all driving to the point on 'What's your REAL reason of leaving'. Honestly, I did not wanna reveal everything coz there's not a need to. I am not obligated to reveal everything.

I know he is concerned that I do not have a solid plan yet, aka I haven't found a 'backup job'. Rationally, this is what majority of the people do. For me, I do not feel the peace to stay on further and feel that it is a good time to tender my resignation before the company goes into a major project in August.

Feel much better after having my 2nd conversation with HR. More relaxed, not like the former one. I was quite stressed in the first conversation,like being pushed the wall. I actually have to say, 'Pls do not force me.'

Anyway, I feel happier now. Travelling light.People move in and out of a company, the movements are fluid. So, it might be a blessing that I leave and another person, who is more capable than me, take my place. I have done my part in giving the 1 mth notice. What I am really going to miss:

  • The work schedule (that is SO SO suitable for night life!! haha)
  • Central location of the office (near home and central district!)
  • The few close colleagues who have became my friends ( I can't please everyone yah!)
  • The PANTRY! (Someone should do a survey of office pantrys in Singapore,ours willl definitely be among the TOP 10! Very well-fed till many of us grew of the 'side effects' of a tasty,'nutritious' pantry)
  • The few households whom I am closely attached too (very nice parents and children)
  • The CCGG aka 'Cheap cheap good good' food in nearby kopitiams

Last day: Friday,12 August 2005.

listening to:'Perfect Moment' by Peter White


At 10:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gal! I didn't know you quit ur job! Alamak... so what's the next step?

And yah! congrats abt the Advanced! Wah... so advanced now... sigh... to think the paper one is so boring and so confusing. Haha...

Oh! must meet up with u soon! We HAVE to take graduation shots together!!! So, esplanade again? haha... ;)


At 7:28 PM , Blogger Cylee said...

so finally quited eh? you, i oso quitted my last job before i even started lookin for a new one.

but unlike me, u stil hv time to look b4 u officially stop (mine's only 3days notice).

hope u'll find wat u like doing soon! in meantime, y not go travelling ;)

At 11:49 PM , Blogger Jiatine said... last day is 31st august.Still have a month more to look for a job. Some people might say that I am taking a big risk in submitting my letter without a backup job. I do understand where they are coming from. However, once the passion wanes, I will consider resignation. Might as well exit and 'vacate' the place for another suitable person. Travelling? Nah, saving money for my driving classes and end of year trip with my girl friend !


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