Monday, July 11, 2005

Passed Round 2

Oh yeah, I have passed 'Round 2' aka the advanced theory test!! Whoopee!! I took it for the first time 3 years ago, but I failed. So, life went on and on and on...until last mth I decided to take it again. Why? It's a life skill to know how to drive, also it is sth that I can add to my resume. So excited! I was really nervous before the test. To be honest, I prayed in the washroom before I went for the test. I told Him that I HAVE PASSED the test, confessing what I already have...hee.

Well, I took the eletronic version of the test. It was a touch screen monitor,so we just selected the answers by touching the screen. The coolest feature is that some of the questions actually have video clips to depict the scenerios! So much better to assist me in understanding the questions! The 'paper version' that I took 3 years back was a far cry from what I had experienced today. Certainly, the electronic version is MUCH MUCH BETTER!

Alright, now I have to look for an instructor to take my driving lessons. Plan to get the license before my 24th birthday next year,for real!

listening to: 'Powerless' by Nelly Furtado


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