Saturday, October 08, 2005

2 months and 17 days to Christmas 2005!

Yup, I am counting down to Christmas. It's not that I have a fantastic ala 'Paris Hilton-nish' party or some big celebration. Most of the time, Christmas is spent alone at home with my beloved Internet, haha. However, I do look forward to this special occasion every year. Christmas gives me a sense of warmth, you know, a fuzzy feeling.

Unlike other families who have big parties to mark this special occasion, mine is a quiet affair which I have learnt to appreciate it over the years. Guess as I grow older, I tend to be more 'homely'. Strange but true. I used to be really wild and love to be out of the house.Perhaps it's a biological thing yah,haha.

Ok, about Christmas. I love to shop for Christmas presents. To me, giving is better than receiving. Before Christmas, I will have a list of presents to buy for my friends. Then the shopping begins! I will take around 2-3 days to finish the list, and the presents will be ready 1-2 weeks before Dec 25. I am not those who do last minute Christmas shopping. Why?
  • hate to jostle with the crowds when buying my stuff
  • gift wrapping is such a chore at major shopping malls
  • heavy traffic almost daily in town in the week before Christmas!
  • long queues for purchases and the ladies!
  • worse,tempers fly in crowded places.

I prefer to shop in peace and calm,no one to disturb me.Keke, call me 'weird' if you like.Ha!

This year, Christmas will be different compared to the past. No more grp outings due to changes in social circles. Am attempting to organise not one but 2 BBQs in my place (quite scary for an amateur).

listening to: "Man on a Mission" by Hall and Oates


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