Sunday, October 09, 2005

Couch potato for a day

Spent the whole day watching vcds of a Korean drama entitled 'Full House', currently showing on Channel 55 on SCV. This is the first time I watched AND got hooked on a Korean drama. I used to avoid it like a plague because of the same old love stories and endless crying scenes. They just turn me off. However, this one is slightly different. Of course the crying scenes and love story is still there, but the bickering between the lead characters is the key factor that drew my attention.

Since I am sick and have to stay home ( I call it house arrest..haha), might as well spend the time by watching a quality-show. When I finished the whole box of vcds (total: 16 episodes but since I have watched 10 episodes, balance is 6), I was really tired. There had been a few times when I nearly fell asleep due to the medicine.

Now the next one to watch is the mega-production '大长今’I will watch it daily coz it's so exciting and 'fresh'. This Korean history-based drama is really different from the rest. Even nitty-gritty details about food preparation for the Emperor will be given 5-10minutes of screen time on TV. I really take my hat off the scriptwriter.Well done!

listening to MSN radio


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