Tuesday, August 10, 2004

missing someone

it takes a long long time to forget someone... guess some of you know what i am talking about. yah, i am missing someone. it has been quite a long while, thought that when i started working, i will be ok..but, think i was deceiving myself. Lord, if that desire is not from you, take it away! i know i am not the only one here, many other people are in the same situation as i am. just that, i wanna write it down to feel better..i was in the very 'suan' period a few months back..had cried a few nights, one time in church when i thought about it. now not that bad.

partly my fault as well. now i cannot even bring myself to talk to that particular person as in the past. some of my friends tell me that it takes time, yah i know that but how long?! sometimes i really wish God will just erase everything, as if nothing has happened. went for drinks in the past to just relieve that unhappiness, but i know it is redundant. drinking will not solve the situation, it only gives temporal absence of the problem.

there are many times that i just wanna be alone, totally alone. or drown myself in reading books, work till late nights or even simply cut myself away from the world aka switch off handphone. i have a close friend who is in almost the same situation as me. we talked abt it and ponder why are we in this situation. my advice for her (if you are reading this) is if you like that particular person, and subtle signals have been sent, take the chance. do not wait, otherwise regrets will pour in...

*listening to: 'I don't wanna know' by Mario Winans feat P.Diddy


At 9:47 AM , Blogger Syl - Breseis said...

Jia....we will not know for sure how long it will take to forget tat person....nor will drinking help...Face it bravely, and let God help u through. He will be there to calm u, give u all the abundant love tat he longs to give u. Jus pour all your troubles unto him okie. Its good to cry it out sometimes, u will feel better eventually. Jus not drinking...Not forgetting your ever concern and loving frens too!!

At 12:12 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Hey Jia... I thought this might help u somewhat... and it goes sth like this... It's hard to forget someone, but its even harder to forgive someone. So, forgive yourself that you are taking it so hard to forget someone. And you shall be freed.


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