Friday, July 23, 2004


was uploading my graduation photos just now and it dawned upon me that 3 years have passed so quickly! i can still remember vividly my first day in NUS, seems as if it was yesterday only. i entered NUS alone, most of my JC mates went to NIE or private unis. so was quite lonely when i entered uni. on top of that, i stayed in hostel during my first year . initially, i was like 'that's it, going to be without friends in uni'. well, i convinced myself later on that if i am not going to reach out and make new friends, it wld be a really depressing academic life in NUS..
indeed i did reach out and make friends, some of whom are my closest uni pals from NUS Geog Soc. the FOC was the breaking pt...i will be the one introducing myself to others loh..hehe..looking back, i really wonder where i get my courage from...=) now, i feel nostalgic abt the years spent in NUS. esp those moments when i was in Geog Soc, planning for the events..hehe...stayed in the old geog soc room at AS1 till late nights sometimes. going to Foong Seng to eat nasi lemak and prata.haha..small things like going for lunch together, reserving whole row of seats during Geog lectures (coz of friends from Geog Soc who take the same modules together), taking the forever-crowded shuttle buses etc... precious memories. and of coz not forgetting the 'term paper period' where all of us are stressed over the submission of term papers..haha...the library will be packed with students at certain periods.
now i have fast...sad to leave my friends who are doing honours. people like liyan, SG, jeanne chums. well, this is not the end of my education!! still wld like to do a post-grad degree or even degrees in other disciplines...thought of doing banking, commucation studies,..more biz-related...unlikely to be in geog...haha.think it is enuff of geog liao..haha. can't wait for next year to attend the convocation of the rest of my uni pals!!!
* listening to: '(there's gotta be) more to life' by stacie orrico


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