Tuesday, July 20, 2004

stagnant weight

went out with shimei today, she bought a swatch watch while i bought a sports bra. got abit depressed when i realised that i am still a size 12!! haiz...my weight (not going to publish here...) has been like stagnant for the past few months, no improvement leh....*sad* tried to cut down on carbohydrates, such as not eating rice, noodles and potatoes..but sometimes will give in like today! ate potato chips..alamak....sinful man..but thank God, only like a few of them..
man, i am still slightly overweight..need to reach the healthy weight asap otherwise cannot wear my bikini!! hehe..oops..i told the whole world..hahah...yupz, ur dear friend here actually bought a bikini from Topshop coz they had a sale a few mths back..wanted to wear and tan in the sun but dare not wear it leh...contradictory right, buy and dun wear...'cold storage' it..haiz... to me, weight has always been a problem, not from genes but from overeating when i was in my teens...back then, i was an emotional eater. as in when i feel sad or angry or stressed, i will use food for comfort. Thank God i am no longer doing that!! *grins*
me going to sign up for aerobics tomorrow and possibly take up yoga as well..need to exercise and have a healthy lifestyle. the lifestyle that we are having now will manifest its impacts when we grow older. cannot treat it as a rubbish bin and dump whatever i want.  really envy those people who are able to keep their weight on the balance, not easy loh.cannot procrastinate when it comes to exercising and need to learn to 'flee from temptations'! haha...sounds biblical hor..hee...'flee from evil' actually came from the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife in the bible.
suddenly thought of those weight loss ads in the media. nowadays, i realised that there is an onslaught of such ads in the media featuring celebs..a few of them actually puts me off. namely the 'xanado pills' endorsed by stick-thin, snow white Fann Wong! i cannot believe that she lost weight by just eating those pills loh..i mean come one since when she was overweight?! she is so slim all the time.and people actually buy the Xanado pills coz Fann endorsed it! what the....the power of media to influence minds...another one is the ad by michelle saram...pls..to me she looked no diff...sometimes i really wonder those slimming ads endorsed by celebs...it's like more than 50% is based in their celebrity status.  underneath these ads lie an obvious social problem faced by many women, the pressure to be slim. well, i do admit that. it's so evident in our society nowadays.our perspectives are socially constructed, the media influenced us and we in turn also influences the media.
*listening to 'All', 'I Wanna Be With You' by Avalon


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