Saturday, July 31, 2004

change of schedules

i changed my working schedules today...swopped with a fellow colleague and got approval from my boss. now i am working 1-10pm from wed-fri! it's like so diff from my friends..well...somehow my social life is like reduced to a tiny bit with such a schedule...perhaps it's a blessing in disguise that i am not attached now..coz if i have a bf, i think he cannot stand my schedule!! haha..i mean seriously..will feel bad abt not spending time with him for a single like me with this schedule...still quite ok yah..hehe..the main reason i changed the schedule is coz i have swimming in the morning!! yup yup, i had a phobia of water (as in swimming) since young so now decided to overcome the fear. besides that, it is also good for health =)
haiz..but an impact of the schedule will meant that i can no longer serve as an usher on Thurs's bible study..feel sad abt it..but well, have to set my priorities. i wld want to serve out of love, not out of duty..get it??
talking abt serving, it has been almost 8 mths since i started serving! time really flies! i look forward to it, though sometimes it can be quite tiring...from serving as an usher in church, i learnt alot..esp relationship management...diff people have diff personalities..there are days when i meet really nice members of the congregation...of coz there are some really annoying ones..i mean come on, humans are not perfect yah.  christians doesn't mean perfec people..we still have our tempers...but believe in Christ that we are growing from glory to glory! amen!!
*listening to: nothing! just the wind blowing into my room*


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