Friday, August 06, 2004

deprived of movies

since i started working, i haven't watched a movie till last tuesday! watched 'mean girls' with yiling and hadi. i would say that lindsay lohan is a star to look out for! she's good! she has transformed so much (and physically too) since i last saw her in 'The Parent Trap'...i hope she becomes a 'decent actress'..not ending up like those who took drugs, spent their lives away in hollywood clubs and acting in B-movies..anyway, yah...i am deprived of movies!! it's either no time to watch or my schedule doesn't compromised my friends..when i am free, they are working. when i am working, they are free!

wanted to watch 'harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban', did not catch sad..i am a HP fan! will buy the dvd..(once i buy a dvd player.haha) other movies that i missed: 'super-size me', 'brotherhood' and 'king arthur'. now i am looking forward to 'collateral' (starring my all-time fav actor TOM CRUISE!! hehe..he looks so much more gorgeous as he gets older..hehhe), 'the notebook', 'carla and connie' (the actress from My Big Fat Greek Wedding is so so so hilarious!), 'the village' (me a no fan of horror shows, but since it's by the director of The Sixth Sense..hehe..why not???), 'saved' (starring mandy moore), 'house of flying daggers' (hehe..reminded me of 'coruching tiger, hidden dragon'), 'de-lovely' (coming soon to singapore, sth like 'chicago' but not so jazzy..starring robbie williams, alanis morrisette,diana krall) think i make use of my half days on tues to watch the shows myself..hehe

*listening to: 'whatever' by Steven Curtis Chapman


At 9:38 AM , Blogger Syl - Breseis said...

Jia, i heard tat House of Flying Daggers is disappointing, cos people who have watched it, said tat there's too much fighting and too much sex scenes between zhang ziyi and takeshi kaneshiro. And tat's all to the story...hmmm.....i wanna watch Notebook too!!!!! hehe....


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