Sunday, August 01, 2004

fireworks display!

went to 4th service today with janette, cheryl, danny, jesper and sylvia...was feeling quite tired actually...just that i din show it. danny actually said that i looked pale!!guess he could really tell that i am tired. but i look forward to every sunday, co there's church! time to feed my spirit and really have fellowship with God..not that i don't on other days..but going to church and heraing the Word of God just perks me up!!haah..anyway, after service we went to marina square to catch the fireworks was a tough journey getting to marina square. SO MANY PEOPLE!! i dun really like crowds esp in enclosed space.. marina square is like a 'ghost town' revitalised with throngs of people going to marina promenade to watch the fireworks display.

getting dinner was a big time problem!! both BK and Mac at Marina Square were SO SO SO crowded..first time in my life, i see such long queues in a fast food restaurant...the reason being many people are there to catch a glimpse of the fireworks while having dinner u see. GAWD! so many people..i really pity the people working at both fast food's like non-stop ordering and the queue is perpertually getting longer. for me, i have worked as a waitress can understand the kind of stress they face...being in a 'pressure cooker' environment..churning out the food fast (coz fast food mah), taking the correct orders and of coz making sure that money matters dun get haywire. when it was my turn for me to order, i was told that there were no fries! first time! bet they did not anticipate such large crowds..but somehow in the end they managed to have supplies of fries...the guy who was serving me was like in a semi-' i cannot take it' mood..was perspiring and loked so exhausted..kelian...he should be paid more!!

the fireworks were beautiful!! esp those that went high up into the sky and exploded in 'golden shimmers'.. read from the newspaper that the fireworks are from US..was telling janette that for every firework i see..there goes our income tax money...they cost a bomb!! think hundreds of thousands of dollars..not surprised if they come up to millions! but well, this is part of the national day worth it's like creating an atmosphere of fun whereby singapore is a place to live,work and play..sounds familiar?? of STB's slogans lah...haha..just remembered it from my GE2218 geog lecture! goes matter what happens

*listening to: 'Life Goes On' by LeAnn Rimes


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