Friday, December 23, 2005

Singapore's men

When my friend told me about the incident she encountered in her university, my response was, "Sigh! Singaporean guys.....". This was what happened a few days ago:

My friend, who's a 4th year engineering student at a local university, was doing her experiments for her project. A few days ago, she was in one of the school's labs figuring out on perfecting her experiments. As she is a mechanical engineer, obviously she handles all kinds of equipment and machinery.

In one instance, she was using a piece of equipment to screw something. And mind you, it's not those 'normal household screws' that we use. Obviously it was really tough as she was using alot of strength. She was not the only person in the lab (though she's one of the few ladies around), there were many other students as well including many local male students.

Later on, she noticed two foreign Caucasian students staring at her, both must be wondering what she was doing! My friend told me that it's very obvious she was using all her might and strength in dealing with the equipment. One of the Caucasian guys came over and offered his help. She declined politely as she's almost done with her experiment. And all these while, the local male students DID NOT even offer to help!! *rolls eyes*

Both of us laughed when she recounted the incident to me. Our response were, "See..Singaporean guys, not 'gentlemen-ness'. Only know how to see but not offer to help!" It's not that we girls are weak at dealing with equipments, just that there's not enought local men who are initiative to offer their assistance.

I see this so many times in MRTs and buses. Strong, able-bodied men who just simply sit in their seats (as if their butts are glued to the seats!) either 1) pretend to be sleeping though some are genuine cases, 2) reading their TODAY newspapers, 3) listening to their iPODs or whatever devices, 4) talking or texting their cellulars. I am honestly disappointed. Ok, before I get battered by any comments, not all Singaporean men are like that ok....A few black sheep taint the entire lot.

*listening to: 'I Try' by Macy Gray


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