Friday, December 23, 2005

On being called 'fat' by a stranger

I decided to blog this down after I calmed down, otherwise I can assure you that this blog will be full of curses and swearing.

Three days ago, I was walking through the underpass that links Orchard MRT station to Tangs Department Store. It was really crowded as many people were as usual, doing their last-minute shopping after their work. Unfortunately, I accidentally bumped into this well-dressed guy. I apologised,even though it is not entirely my fault. He retorted, 'FAT!' into my face and walked off with a pissed-off expression! I was so shocked that I was dumbfounded. Honestly, I wanted to demand an apology from him. But the underpass was so crowded and stuffy that I just walked on. I felt humiliated, disgraced and damn furious! I swear that if there weren't many people aroound, I will DEFINITELY demand an explanation from him even if I have to endure the stares from kaypoh shoppers. I wonder what kind of upbringing he has! I mean he can say whatever things behind my back etc, but I can't tolerate that response from him right into my face!

I know I do not belong to the 'under 50kgs league' and admit that I am a size 12, but that does not warrant such a disgusting behaviour from that stranger. This is the 2nd time I am called 'fat' by a stranger. The first time happened in Zara when this American or Australian International School female student called me 'fat'. I shall not recount that incident. That incident was a major turning point as I turned to weight loss pills again.

Now, I feel much calmer. But still angered and disgusted. Alright, am on my way to the doctor's to get my weight loss pills...

*listening to: 'Numb/Encore' by Linkin Park feat Jay Z


At 2:41 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

Next time (which I hope not), yell back "Hey Mate, you ain't that slim either, you F*****G piece of walking blinking idiot!"

At 2:41 AM , Blogger Fifi Zhang said...

I meant hope that you won't get such incidents again...

At 9:58 PM , Blogger Jiatine said...

Haha, nah I will not yell back at him with those f*** etc. Still need my face!

just my luck to meet such insensitive people.


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